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Kraken Golf supplies golf resorts and pro shops with ecelectic golf accessory designs.
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Are you satisfied with the quality, but also as important the design aesthetic of your current golf accessory supplier? Does it frustrate you when other country clubs have essentially the same golf accessory items as you - just branded differently. Are you looking for a way to upgrade the product offered at your golf pro shop and other retail spaces? Kraken Golf can help. Here’s how we stack up.
Table of contents
What do the traditional golf accessory suppliers offer?
Kraken Golf versus other golf accessory suppliers: Comparison
Why Kraken golf is the best alternative to traditional golf accessory suppliers.
Traditional golf accessory suppliers have an extensive catalog of items that have been offered to everyone in the market for years. Customers have been sharing, similar designs with a more traditional aesthetic, even though the demographic of golf has continued to evolve. Also, many of these suppliers’ service so many clubs that the personalized experience is lost.
Luckily, you won’t have to look far to find the best alternative to these traditional golf accessory suppliers. Kraken Golf does everything these suppliers do with a modern twist to design and offering custom pieces that fit the brand and aesthetic of your golf facility. Plus, Kraken Golf works closely with other golf pro shops, resorts and corporate entities to design unique and exclusive pieces that fit their unique brand, which can set you apart from competitors with an upgraded retail experience.
Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about golf products and services offered by Kraken Golf - and what to do next.
Kraken Golf versus other golf accessory suppliers: Feature Comparison
Looking to quickly and easily replace your current golf accessory supplier with more unique golf accessory products at a competitive price point? Kraken Golf offers all the most popular golf retail accessories and more. From metal items such as golf ball markers, golf divot tools, and golf bag tags to soft goods golf club headcovers, Kraken Golf features the creations of artist, machinist and golfer Marc Cordeira. Marc has done more than refined an old tradition: He has started a new one. Guided by a devotion to creating unique, visually appealing golf heirlooms. He fuses unique finishes and textures with new designs to create interesting golf accessories.
Here’s a quick breakdown of Kraken Golf versus others in the golf accessory and retail industry.
All of Kraken Golf accessories are made from the finest materials. Each item is carefully designed to the finest detail by artist, machinist and golfer Marc Cordeira. Marc prefers golf items that are machined from solid blocks of metal to achieve optimal quality and durability rather than the typical process of casting - that you find with other vendors.
The key differentiator that you will find when working with Kraken Golf is that you will have a personal experience working with Marc to craft your unique branded golf accessory designs so that you can deliver your own custom experience for your clientele. Marc has been designing the most eclectic and collectible golf accessories for years to a community of golf collectors with the highest expectation for quality design and craftsmanship. Marc is leveraging those years of experience to deliver a similar design and product for you and your organization.
Low minimum quantities
Whether you have a desire to fully stock resort retail spaces or your local golf pro shop – or a need to provide a custom golf swag bag that will wow patrons for an upcoming golf tournament— Kraken Golf has the ability to deliver unique golf accessories at any scale.
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Acushnet, MA 02743
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